The Justice Department has issued a notice of request for information on the operational use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to measure how well such systems can help reconstruct automobile crashes. In addition, the study will also focus on “alternative” uses of UAS in law enforcement.

The evaluation will focus on possible uses of a UAS to improve crash scene reconstruction, as regards “quality, safety, timeliness or other metrics.”

Trials are scheduled to take place in several jurisdictions across the country. The National Criminal Justice Research, Test and Evaluation Center (NIJ RT&E Center) said it has identified a number of agencies that have operational UAS capabilities configured to support law enforcement, and wants to partner with them on the project.

Interested vendors or agencies are invited to respond to this request for information by providing general comments with regard to the evaluation for the consideration of NIJ RT&E.

The evaluation will also consider possible future uses of UAS technology within a law enforcement setting.


The justice department addressed concerns about the violation of privacy through the use of what amounts to flying video cameras by saying its interest is only limited to data pertaining to reconstruction, and not sensitive information such as names and PII.

Responses to this request will be accepted through August 31, 2016.