WhiteFox, a provider of drone security,partnered with the world’s largest drone manufacturer DJI to secure drone and operator identity during the United Nations International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Drone Enable 3 Symposium.
ICAO is a United Nations specialized agency representing aviation sectors from 193 Member States, and setting standards and recommended practices for civil aviation operations around the world. The demonstration was conducted as part of ICAO’s proceedings.
During the demonstration, DJI drones broadcasted their identity using the new, proposed ASTM standard for drone remote identification, and were cryptographically verified by WhiteFox cloud services, providing an unforgeable link between the drone and operator’s identity.
The standard supports a variety of receivers, including smartphones, laptops, and dedicated hardware, all using widely deployed technologies, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
“It is important we do Remote ID security right, and it is also important that it be optional. It’s possible not all airspaces will require security, but within spaces that do, we must be assured of the true identity of both a drone and its operator,” said WhiteFox Head of Autonomous Vehicle Security Dr. Zachary Peterson.
“Without security, my drone can be your drone, a police drone—it can be anything I want,” he added.
WhiteFox recently met with White House officials to address the need for universally applied General Remote ID, and regulatory requirements for Secure Remote ID.